Student Achievement


A first year student of B.Tech. CSE Specialization of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, participated in HackHarvard Global Hackathon which is conducted by Harvard University. He won the open round education category in 2019. His project was one of the 99 projects shortlisted for the semi-final round, 33 from each of the three categories. Subsequently, he won the semi-final round and is one of the three global finalists in education category. In the final round of the competition on 20th October 2019, after pitching to a panel of judges ranging from Harvard Engineering professors, to Harvard startup co-founders, to software engineers at companies like Google, Microsoft,etc he secured first position and a cash prize of $2000 in the final round of the competition.


Smit Barmase, first year student of B.Tech. CSE Specialization of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, had been selected for an internship position as a Game Developer at a stipend of 20,000 INR per month for a duration of 2 months.



First year student of B. Tech. CSE Specialization of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, had been selected for 40 days Internship Program in “Introduction of AI & IoT” and had been awarded the Second Best Project Award in the Summer Internship Program on AI & IoT, organised by IIT Kanpur and iSMRITI.


National Drone Competition, TechFest 2020 @IIT Bombay

A team of 5 students from AI & ML Department fabricated a FPV Drone from scratch and raced in the National Drone Competition at Techfest 2020, IIT Bombay. They created a drone and raced it through an obstacle course with rings, fans, scanning QR codes and dropping a payload. they also received a certificate of merit for the use of machine vision camera for scanning the QR code.


National Drone Competition, TechFest 2020 @IIT Bombay

A team of 5 students from AI & ML Department fabricated a FPV Drone from scratch and raced in the National Drone Competition at Techfest 2020, IIT Bombay. They created a drone and raced it through an obstacle course with rings, fans, scanning QR codes and dropping a payload. they also received a certificate of merit for the use of machine vision camera for scanning the QR code.